Music Circle dari Musikgarten Malaysia

Pada hari Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012 Ciao Bimbi Daycare sudah resmi mendapatkan License untuk menggunakan Music Circle Program dari Musikgarten Malaysia ( Berikut ini, informasi mengenai Music Circle program. Untuk informasi yang lebih lengkap dapat dilihat di Music Circle website:


1. The Objective of the Music Circle © Programme

Music is an important and vital aspect in the lives of children. Children enjoy and respond naturally to any form of musical activities. Movement is young children’s natural mode of learning. Music Circle © which is a music and movement programme that has been specially developed for nurseries, kindergartens / preschools and is suitable for children 2 to 4 years old.  Apart from teaching the children to have a good sense of rhythm and to sing at the right pitch, Music Circle’s aim is also to enhance learning in other subject areas such as arithmetic, science and language. It consists of simple, appropriate musical activities, common nursery rhymes, English folk songs, Traditional Malay songs and animal sounds for focused listening activities, all of which have been carefully selected and composed. Music Circle © is being taught during school hours at this taska / pre-school by qualified a music teacher who has been properly trained in this programme.

2. Children’s Music CD Pack
Just as school textbooks are needed to reinforce learning of other subjects at home, Music Circle ©  offers what is called the Children’s Pack. This is to allow the child to take the joy of music home to share with the parents and to give him/her the repetition that s/he needs in order to remember. Young children love and learn best through repetition.  At home, the parent can provide the opportunity by repeating the activities at appropriate moments. Home is the most important learning environment in the child’s lifetime and the parent’s role is crucial in this dynamic period of development. She should sing with her child and use the booklet as a source for playing musically with the child.  The packet consists of the following items in a zip bag: (a) 1 Parent’s Book and (b) Song CD.

  Music Circle© (2 to 4 years old)                Twist & Turn ( 5 years old)                   Nimble & Quick (6 years old)

3.  The Authors of Music Circle ©

Music Circle © was jointly written by Dr Lorna Heyge and Jenny Ong.

Dr. Lorna is the Chairman and Founder of MUSIKGARTEN USA. Having spent over 50 years working directly with young children and music teachers, the depth and breadth of Dr. Heyge’s understanding of how young children learn music is unparalleled. She holds degrees from the Eastman School of Music, Northwestern University, and the University of Cologne, Germany.

Jenny Ong, is the founder of MUSIKGARTEN MALAYSIA. She has over 30 years of teaching experience . Jenny was a music lecturer  
at various Teachers’ Training College of the Ministry of Education, Malaysia. She served as part-time music lecturer at the London Montessori College and the Kindergarten Association of Malaysia. Jenny holds an Advance Diploma in Music Education from University of Exeter (England) and Master of Education Specializing in Early Childhood Music & Education from Lesley University, Cambridge, USA.



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